Finding Her Voice

I would like to share the story of a client I will call “T.” T is part of the art transforming trauma art group for youth in transition that is held at a Job Corp facility. This program is a job training school where young people stay to earn a certificate and/or their GED.

T has history of child abuse. When she was placed with her adoptive parents as a young girl she hoped that this meant things would be easier. Instead she lived under constant pressure to be someone that she isn’t. Her adoptive family is not supportive of her career choices so this led to her being homeless at 18.

T is now in the health sciences program at the Job Corp facility. She shared that before coming to the art group she believed that therapy was only going to make her sadder.

T attended all ten groups and each week she opened up more. She went from sitting alone to sitting with a group of students by the end. I watched her voice literally TRANSFORM through the use of art. T would whisper for the first three weeks of session and by the end she was laughing, talking at an inside pitch, and sharing her personal journal of artwork.

She shared at the end that a memory that makes her smile are sunflowers because they remind her of her brother who is the most special person to her.

She asked to join the next art series because she feels she isn’t done with her healing, and she wants a safe space to process. T is no longer scared of therapy and is considering signing up for individual sessions after her experience with the AWBW art series.

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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