Cathy Salser Talks with SCWCA

In this Artists Talk video, AWBW Founder, Cathy Salser, dives deep into the heart of AWBW’s mission and the transformative power of art in healing and community building. This special “window of time” is part of the Artists Talk series of the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art (SCWCA). Salser shares her creative practices and path as an artist, reflects on the roots of AWBW’s journey-based art practices and uplifts a diverse range of examples of what it can look like when we use time and connection as an art medium. With this talk, she sheds light on the co-creative journey she is dedicated to nurturing—past, present and into the future.


In the early 1990’s, SCWCA served as AWBW’s mentor and fiscal sponsor, supporting us as we grew into a thriving non-profit organization. To this day, SCWCA supports women artists to find their voice, build community, create healing and anchor social activism through art.

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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