A Cup of Gratitude

This “Uplifting Voices: Facilitator Stories” video features La Shonda Coleman, LCSW, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at Pepperdine University and Founder of Trauma and Healing in Colour, a program that fuses art, somatic based healing modalities, training and education to promote wellness. In this spotlight, La Shonda shares about one of her favorite workshops, “Cup of Gratitude”. With this workshop, participants are able to name and share what they were grateful for, creating a collective sense of joy and hopefulness in the face of hardship, especially post-pandemic.

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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