Love Is A Great Idea


“Love Is A Great Idea” was inspired/created during the 2023 Spring Facilitators Training. During the Claiming Who I Am workshop, I was reminded of a tattoo I have behind my left ear, which was inspired by some good times with the best of friends. “Love, light, abundance & gratitude” is a mantra I developed to help me through a particularly dark time when my thoughts were leaning toward the negative on a regular basis. Whenever I recognized negative thoughts creeping in, I began thinking “love, light, abundance & gratitude.” I know when I am consciously focused on an abundance of gratitude for all the good in my life, it is more difficult to allow the negative thoughts to take hold. The light bulb reflects my value of curiosity and those aha moments of pure love and joy we need to embrace whenever they come about. Claiming Who I Am encouraged us to reflect on who we are at our core and at my core, I am love – represented by the hearts at the center of the lightbulb.

I used the image in a homemade thank you card which sparked the idea to have it printed on greeting cards. The greeting cards turned out so lovely I snail mailed them to my loved ones as a New Year’s greeting, wishing them an abundance of love and light in the coming year and beyond, and gratitude for their presence in my life. I also framed the art and it now sits right above my head during virtual meetings reminding me to lead with love.

I hope the piece inspires others to embrace the abundance of love and light available to them and to embrace the good in their life with gratitude, without question and with consistency.

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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