Holding Space for Overwhelming Feelings

We witnessed the adaptability of AWBW’s worksheets during our third workshop with women at Atteridgeville Gender Responsive Centre. We planned to facilitate a “Positive Piggies” workshop, inviting participants to consider and acknowledge their positive attributes. A few minutes into our gathering, we learned that the women had just been notified that this year’s Family Day had been cancelled — no reason provided. The women were angry, sad, and disappointed — the mood in the room was sombre. Their hopes were crushed. “I was looking forward to seeing my daughter,” said Andiswa*. They struggled to reconcile the Department of Correctional Services’ mandate to rehabilitate with the cruel treatment metered out to them. “My rights have been violated,” continued Andiswa, with a sense of resignation in her voice.

After an emotional debriefing process, it felt right to change the workshop from “Positive Piggies” to a “Container of Overwhelming Feelings,” inviting the women to honour their feelings, however difficult. Thanks to a suggestion from one of the participants, we realised that the template for “Positive Piggies” can be easily adapted for a “Container…” workshop. We had a successful workshop, with women sharing that: “I am fuming,” “I feel like crying,” and more metaphoric, “I feel like I just ate acid for breakfast, I am burning.”

We left with mixed emotions. While glad we were able to contain and sit with the women in their pain, we felt an overruling sadness, navigating such an unjust system.

*Name changed to protect confidentiality

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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