Healing through Art in the Midst of War


Receiving a training scholarship has been very impactful not only for me as a person, but also to my marginalized community in particular. After the 2-Day Facilitator Training in November 2023, l have carried out 3 working sessions which are part of my highlight story:

1) Because of the ongoing separatist war (The Anglophone Crises) a lot of youth joined the fighting and those affected by the war have in one way or the other been consumed by illicit drugs and substance abuse, which have affected their mental states. Young boys and girls between the ages of 15-30 have been caught up in this mess and I will say in my community, in every family you will have at least 1 child who is addicted to drugs and so we have been making our efforts to assist, but the number is huge and finances are limited. There are so many internally displaced persons, especially youths who ran from their various villages and sleep on the streets or in the parks.

The few who’s relatives can hold them took them to the Living Vine Mental Health Center, now changed to Living Vine Rehabilitation Center to avoid the stigma that goes with what the community thinks. Our first stop was at the place that harbors over 136 youths with mental issues as a result of drug abuse. I approached them with what l gathered at the AWBW Facilitator Training and shared about art, mental health and trauma. We together, collectively painted some murals and other paintings at the center. Some did illustrations on paper (see pictures attached). They were happy and the director of the center was impressed and wanted us to carry out this activity monthly, but l told him it is impossible because we don’t have the funds. We are barely managing to sustain our art space. However, l promised him whenever we have a grant or funds we would like to continue the activities.

2) l had a brief workshop with some of my staff to transfer what l have learned from the Facilitator Training and they are committed to carry that same energy to other communities. I was privileged again to have one of my staff Ebenezar Ayafor benefit from another scholarship from AWBW to participate in the March 2024 training, but could not meet up with the required hours due to poor internet network and constant power outage in my community. Again, l want to thank the AWBW funders for doing this. Within a short time AWBW will be a household name not only in my community and Cameroon, but in the entire Global South.

3) At a cultural event in my village, l had to bring together kings, traditional rulers and their subjects to share with them about art transforming trauma. It is an ongoing process and my intention is to expand this vision of AWBW that we share together and give it visibility so that it may continue to impact lives in a positive way.

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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