Embracing the Journey

This workshop was completed in a small group setting made up of teen parents who are continuing to attend high school. Most of these young women have experienced trauma throughout their childhoods and are now learning how to break the cycle in their own parenting.

Journey Footprints was a beautiful opportunity for the teens to reflect on their pasts and the events that have shaped who they are today. They were then able to think about the paths they want to create for their futures, not only as parents, but as individuals.

Some of the teens used images and colors to reflect their journey while others chose words and phrases. They were able to connect with each other even more based on their similar life experiences and their similar goals for the future. It was a wonderful workshop!

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A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) supports hundreds of art workshop facilitators across the country to incorporate creative expression into their work with trauma survivors. These Windows Facilitators serve 40,000 adults, teens, and children each year. Through these stories, we invite you to explore and share their journeys toward transformation and healing.

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